Helping make homeschooling easier.

Helping make homeschooling easier.

Helping make homeschooling easier. 1024 683 Vennu

Homeschooling offers an alternative and exciting opportunity to educate your children where you can use all that the world offers as your classroom.

With Homeschooling predominantly self-directed by you and your children whilst using the Australian Curriculum offered by the Board of Studies as your guide, it enriches your children’s lives. Allowing them the space to find what they are most interested in whilst teaching them to research and learn how to learn effectively.

This is one of the most useful skills they can have going into tertiary study because with so many ways to enter tertiary study, you no longer need the HSC to enter university or trades.

The growth in homeschooling.

In recent years, Homeschooling has gained significantly in popularity. Home Education Association (HEA) president Karen Chegwidden says homeschooling statistics have skyrocketed since the COVID-19 pandemic started in early 2020.

Homeschooling is a positive alternative to traditional education, offering families the flexibility and control to personalise their children’s education, according to their interests and needs and supporting them to achieve their personal best.

The options are endless.

With the option of homeschooling, you can travel to experience geography and history, you have the options of Co-ops, sporting activities, drama, and film just to name a few.

Instead of learning via YouTube or being stuck in a room, you can experience life and learning by attending an Art Gallery whilst having lessons, being taught writing by a published author, or surfing with a surfing instructor the options are endless.

Finding the right space.

As with everything, there are downsides, one being parents often need to find a dry warm/cool space where the children can go if the weather changes.  Nothing is worse than having a group meeting organised and trying to find shelter out of wind and rain while trying to keep the positivity dial-up. 

As we all know, socialisation can sometimes be an issue with homeschoolers. Other times, it is quite the opposite, with a significant challenge finding a space that allows enough room to accommodate groups of children for indoor and outdoor activities.  

This is where Vennu can help with spaces located near parks, beaches, playgrounds, or facilities, e.g., libraries and playing fields.

These spaces make it easy for parents to meet and offer children indoor and outdoor options, with kitchens for a vital cup of tea or coffee and free parking – helping to make homeschooling a snap.

Featured community spaces to include the: