Scouting for film locations is now so much easier

Scouting for film locations is now so much easier

Scouting for film locations is now so much easier 1000 667 Vennu

Before launching Vennu, we were very eager to understand the potential users of community spaces, including the types of events and activities that motivated them. We commissioned independent national research from The Evolve Group and were not surprised to find that a key reason for use of a digital platform was the focus on convenience and choice.

In particular, the concept of having multiple venues in one place was seen as compelling by many. What surprised us was the variety of ways people reported using community space, including film shoots or recordings (e.g., music videos, filming, product launches, and commercials), which represented 2.2% of all bookings. We anticipated a 59% uptake in this community.

So, we incorporated this category of activity into our platform design!

Now, things have become even easier for people scouting for film locations in two ways:

1. Through Vennu’s collaboration with Screen NSW, many of our listings are now on Reelscout.
2. The new Australian Screen Production Incentive supports screen production through generous tax incentives.

If you are looking for characterful locations for making music videos, filming, product launches, and commercials, we have the perfect space for you!